Christine, 42 years old, has been a department head in an administration for 3 years ...


Christine, 42 years old, has been a department head in an administration for 3 years and has masterfully led a project to transform her department. This project was imagined and led from A to Z by Christine with all or almost all the help of her team.


Christine’s difficulty lies in having “inherited” a team in which two protagonists are highly resistant to change and nostalgic of the former management team style.

Christine feels that she cannot manage their more difficult personalities while being reluctant to conflict. She finds this very damaging for her because she feels that she is not managing her team in a transparent and serene manner. Christine often feels misaligned.

Moreover, the way she communicates with these two colleagues is sometimes aggressive and sometimes totally self-effacing. This disturbs her more and prevents her to progress serenely in the different projects for which she is responsible and for which she must influence and work with the whole team.

The “Becoming Leader” Solution

With “Becoming Leader”, we accompany Christine and help her take up her new challenge with confidence.

Although an experienced manager, she still needs to develop her interpersonal and leadership skills.

  • By following our Self module, Christine will learn to know herself better, to recognize her strengths and her areas of greatest weaknesses ; to identify the behaviours and beliefs that cause a communication problem with the two colleagues with whom interactions are the most difficult.
  • Then, with the Team module, we will also help her to take a step forward in managing her team and find a healthy balance between managing her own responsibilities and managing her team’s projects and results. We will help her adapt her leadership style to the situations that concern her.
  • Finally, the Organizational module will help her understand how to work with all the internal and external partners who will have to support her to achieve his objectives. She will understand how to create buy-in for the projects she supports and manages with the various internal committees in which she participates as well as the operational management levels. She will get to be familiar enough with modern working methods of performance and project management to create transparency, increase problem detection and help solve problems.

Between each module, we will assist her in the field at her request to give her practical support and integrate the different tools by taking action. We will help her to think, structure and act when the impact will be most important to her and her teams and remain at her disposal as long as necessary to make a difference.

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